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Kunan S.A - Tu socio tecnologico

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We are a well-known technology company based in Cordoba since 2004. As experts, we specialize in supporting organizations in the adoption and implementation of technologies. We provide agile and innovative responses to the growing and dynamic market demand. Our Head Office is located in Cordoba and we have landed in Chile since 2020 Industry 4.0 and digital transformation are revolutionizing the way value is created in all industries and this poses a great challenge for all organizations. "We make life easier for organizations with technology" Our technological solutions: -Conversational Virtual Assistants -Whapp (Omnichannel commercial Platform) -KunING Tech (Software Engineering) -Remote DBA (Remote Database Administration) These Tools are developed with the latest technologies such as Big data and analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Software engineering and CRM.

Información de contacto
Av. La Voz del Interior 8501 Edificio 2 Cluster Córdoba Technology CIIECCA 4° piso - Of.39 Parque Empresarial Aeropuerto, Los Boulevares , Córdoba
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